Karuna Arts Yoga Schedule
During the quarantine the yoga studio is closed to the public. You can and need to keep your yoga practice going! Below are links to access the yoga schedule online for home streaming. The group class online video stream will follow the schedule in the picture below. Please note the times are Pacific time, USA. You can join from any time zone once you have set up your Mindbody account (please call me if you need assistance: 206/878-9642).
When you are ready to start set up your practice space with your yoga props, worry not if you are not fully equipped at home. Sturdy four legged footstools can act at yoga blocks, pillows can fill in as bolsters.
Online Streaming Etiquette:
You will have a short time either before and after class to greet friends/acquaintances from class. As you log in be sure you are ready, you may wish to turn off the video feed if you are not quite ready “to be seen”. As class begins your camera and mic will be disabled by the host so that the feed is the yoga stream alone.
Use this link to set up your Mindbody account: https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/sitetasklist/index?fl=true&tabID=98
Use this link to set up your (free) access to the video streaming platform: https://zoom.us/s/3945028075?pwd=aEI5RE9Ta054amMvcnRYRzVuWFNwZz09
Need a tutorial for your Zoom Access? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIkCmbvAHQQ

Phone: 206/878-9642
Our new location:
Karuna Arts Yoga
2108 SW 152nd Street, Suite J, Burien, Washington 98166
Enter at the side of the building from the parking lot, rather than the front door
the studio is at the top of the stairs.
Thriving in this community since 2002!

Pregnant clients:
Please Use All Levels Yoga Classes:
Yoga during pregnancy eases the stress and revives your stamina as the pregnancy progresses. The breathing developed during yoga practice prepares the mind for a focused, centered pregnancy, delivery, and motherhood.
Drop in clients welcome!
Out of respect for other students and Anne, arriving late or leaving early is discouraged.
Be a yogi, be on time!